Kindergarten - Welcome Back
Regular and prompt attendance at school is important. It can be very unsettling for a child to arrive late and go into a classroom that is already involved in an activity. We start right away.
If your child is absent, you will need to send a written note explaining the reason for your child’s absence when he/she returns to school. You’re also welcome to email me. (attendance@quogueschool.com) If you arrive late, you must stop at the front desk with Ms. Joanie to sign a late slip.
Part of Kindergarten is teaching independence. Having your child walk into school is very important and starting it on day one is key. It is such a wonderful sight to see their smiling faces as they walk proudly down the hall.
Please send in a healthy snack each day. We will have an afternoon snack, so please provide an extra labeled afternoon snack.
Your child will receive a home school connection binder that will go home daily with notes, events, homework and anything else that may come up.
I am very excited about our new school year and look forward to making this a great experience for you and your child. Please feel free to contact me with questions and/or concerns.
Stacey Russell
Kindergarten Teacher