Welcome to
Pre-K to Grade 6 Student Enrollment
We are excited to become a part of your child’s educational future! Below you will find the information needed to enroll your child at Quogue Elementary School.

Quogue School Difference
Empowering Minds,
Enriching Futures

Enrollment Requirements
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To enroll your child at Quogue Elementary School, we need the following:
- Student Enrollment Forms (Resident or Non-Resident Forms are attached below).
- Proof of residence: Valid Driver’s License or ID card with correct address; Utility bill delivered within the last 30 days; Original copy of current lease/rental agreement or Purchase agreement for home.
- Immunization Record.
- Home Language Questionnaire.
- Educational Benefits Form: Used for Scholarships and Lunches.
- Birth Certificate or other proof of birth.
To enroll your student in Pre-Kindergarten, we need the additional following:
- Early Childhood Screening: Call the school to schedule your appointment
To enroll your student in Grades K-6, we need the additional following:
- Name and address of the previous school attended (for requesting transcripts)
- A copy of the student’s IEP if previously receiving Special Education Services
- A copy of the students 504 Plan if previously receiving 504 accommodations

Student Registration Forms & Information
To start the enrollment process, we have streamlined the required forms and information through our convenient online portal. Simply click on the link below to access all the necessary documents:
Still Have Questions?
Feel free to reach out to our helpful staff for further assistance.
Phone: 631-653-4285
Email: contact@quogueschool.com