Welcome to
The Resource Room
Welcome Back everyone!!! This is the Resource Room! My name is Kristina Levy and I have worked here at the Quogue School for the past 15 years. I moved out to Long Island 15 years ago from Rochester, NY, where I spent by childhood. I attended St. Bonaventure University for both my undergrad and graduate work. It's there where I met my husband who grew up here on Long Island. I was an assistant here in Quogue, in the 4th grade for 2 years with Mr. Carbone before I became the Resource Room teacher. I also am a Special Education teacher in the 6th grade classroom this year.
I live in Speonk wtih my husband of 10 years and our two boys, Grant (6) , Landon(3) and our 'shiba inu' Zeus (12). We love the Philadelphia Eagles so duirng the fall we enjoy watching the games together ! We love movies, boat rides, singing, dancing, trips to the beach, readng books, playing many sports, especially basketball and football.

Meet Ms. Levy
My mission for my students is to learn something new everyday and to always have fun in the process. A few quotes that I stand by...
- "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn" - Benjamin Franklin
- "Inside every child is a rainbow waiting to shine"
- "Teahers who LOVE teaching, teach children to LOVE learning"
Parents this is my promise to you...
Kristina Levy
Resource Room
Quogue UFSD
PO Box 957, 10 Edgewood Rd.
Quogue, NY 11959
631 653-4285

Check out these new apps for my students to use both at home and school. We started a few months before school ended so we did a trial run.
Now we have incorporated this more into our everyday learning. Soon they can access from home and work on activities at their leisure.
Both Seesaw and Book Creator can be accessed through an app or simply on the web.
A place for students to make 'digital' books where they can be creative, through text, video, audio and images. It's a great way for students to show an understanding of what they are learning.
This is an online journal of student work and activities where teachers can understand strengths and weaknesses. Students can use tools to help demonstrate their learning in an online portfolio. It provides students with the opportunity to be creative, work at their own pace, help to create something the kids are proud of an eager to share.