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No Place for Hate

No Place for Hate


This year, Quogue School proudly launched the No Place for Hate (NPFH)  initiative, a program dedicated to promoting inclusion, respect, and kindness within our community. As part of our commitment to fostering a safe and welcoming environment for all students, a committee was formed to guide this initiative.  The committee is made up of parents, teachers, administrators, students and a representative from the Quogue Police.

At the start of the school year, our school psychologist and student ambassadors led presentations during Social Emotional Learning (SEL) classes. These sessions introduced students to the core principles of "No Place for Hate" and emphasized the importance of the NPFH pledge. The pledge serves as a cornerstone of the program, rallying students, faculty, and staff to unite in making Quogue School a "No Place for Hate" environment. An image of the pledge is included below for your reference.

The presentations were designed to be age-appropriate for students from Pre-K to 6th grade, incorporating engaging discussions and activities. Following the sessions, students, faculty, and staff signed the pledge sheet, symbolizing their commitment to upholding its principles.

Spread throughout the school year, students and staff will participate in three school-wide, discussion-based, and active-learning activities. These activities aim to:

  • Explore personal and group identities, defined as the qualities and beliefs that make individuals or groups unique. Examples include race, gender, age, appearance, religion, family, community, hobbies, opinions, and more.
  • Explore the connection between bullying, bias and identity.
  • Learn strategies to challenge bias and bullying in themselves, others, and society.

We believe this program will have a profound and positive impact on our school community, helping students develop empathy and understanding for others.  For more information about the No Place for Hate initiative, please email Jenna McCutchen, School Psychologist, at or visit


